Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Railsgoat! July OWASP Austin Chapter with Ken Johnson - with link to recording

Ken Johnson travelled to Austin for the July OWASP meeting.  No thanks to US Airways! Remember, last meeting Ken and Mike McCabe were supposed to present, and US Airways deprived us of their presence. Vern Williams jumped in heroically to give a talk, but Ken and Mike spent most of a day trapped in Raleigh, subjected to several layers of lies from the airline.

Here's the recorded presentation http://vimeo.com/channels/owaspaustin

This month Ken made it!  Nice crowd on hand:

Ruby & Rails was an interesting topic - it seems like a lot of people using those technologies are startups trying to build apps as quick as they can, and Enterprises trying to pretend they're startups.  Both of these scenarios tend to "forget" about security and can lead to nasty problems.  It can be downright scary to security folks.

Given this state of security worries, chapter priorities included a Happy Hour, as usual:

We might have a recording of the presentation coming soon - if so I'll post it as a comment.

The slides are here http://prezi.com/5zo5lxs82lr7/railsgoat/

follow Ken @cktricky and Mike @mccabe615

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