Saturday, June 27, 2020

How a small tech business can use SEO to get new customers

Nobody in tech wants to be "marketed" to. They have certain interests, and if your website has valuable content, they'll search for it and find it.

Now, there are "SEO experts" who have no subject matter knowledge or interest in your topic. Useful people for sure, but it's not enough.

You need to think about what people/ prospects will google (or other search options). What words will they type into search bar? Those are your target words to create compelling content about.

From there it's a matter of delivering excellent content that will attract them to your website. Once they're on your website, you've become a trusted advisor. Plus, you may get leads for sales from their visit. Offer a free trial on your blog site or web site. If they are interested, they'll come to you.

Web pages and blog sites get search engine top billing by offering meaty, useful content that others link to as authoritative. My thoughts in a nutshell from over 6 years running a corp blog in infosec:

- Know your audience. What search words are important to your company?

- Provide no BS good content. Useful information for practitioners who might be inclined to buy your product.

- Details: About 1000 words of content, with links to fellow authoritative sites. With your defined keywords, carefully target each article with a clear H1 with the topic words. Have H2s supporting the topic. I can't summarize 6 years of experience easily, but I did a talk at DerbyCon on the topic:

Either you're on page 1 of search results, or prospects won't find you. Also you can't BS search engines. Either you pay for ads, or your content is so good, they come to you of their own volition.

I'll write more later, but I felt like sharing my learnings.

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